Leadership in the Armed Forces: U.S. Navy

October 2, 2021 – We pair the future of our nation’s military with current leaders to discuss the armed forces of tomorrow. What triumphs and challenges will these young luminaries face? And how have our current leaders trailblazed the path forward?


– Amb. Kenneth Braithwaite, 77th Secretary of the U.S. Navy

– Moderator Caroline Finley, Midshipman, United States Naval Academy


This conversation was part of the World Affairs Council of Connecticut’s 2021 Global Security Forum: Competing for the Future. Learn more at www.gsf2021.com.

From space to cyber, Global Security Forum 2021 will explore the changing currency of power and ask: how will decisions made today come to define the future? Are U.S. battle systems prepared to meet the threats and challenges of the future? With a new U.S. administration, what role will the United States play on the global stage? Ultimately, what transformations must occur today in national and global security in order to realize a stable and secure world in the future?



77th Secretary of the U.S. Navy


Midshipman, United States Naval Academy