Suez Canal and the Fragility of Global Shipping with Elisabeth Braw

The Ever Given captured the world's attention when it grounded itself across the Suez Canal, blocking not only the waterway, but billions of dollars in trade; it also exposed deep vulnerabilities in the global shipping infrastructure that have been ignored for far too long. Join Elisabeth Braw, resident fellow at AEI, for a long-overdue conversation […]

Civil Rights Has Always Been a Global Movement with Brenda Gayle Plummer, Ph.D.

After the murder of George Floyd, protests for racial justice erupted around the world. The words "I can't breathe" appeared on protest signs in cities from Berlin to Seoul. What made these protests go global so immediately? How has the movement for civil rights always been a global movement? We're joined by Brenda Gayle Plummer, […]

In Afghanistan, when U.S. troops leave, what comes after?

On April 14, Biden announced the U.S. will be withdrawing all troops from Afghanistan, starting on May 1 and concluding by September 11, 2021. This will bring to a close the United States' longest war. But for Afghanistan, what comes after? Join us to speak with Shahmahmood Miakhel, Designated Ambassador of Afghanistan to Qatar, who […]

YP Series | Sports Diplomacy with Ashleigh Huffman, Ph.D. & Kerry McCoy

Sports and politics are arguably the two most polarizing topics in the world (See? Already arguing). Alternatively, they have an undeniable ability to bring people together regardless of country, background and beliefs. From Serena Williams to Antony Blinken and from the Olympics to the United Nations, how does sports diplomacy work to create a safer […]

Horn of Africa Crises Watch 2021 with Murithi Mutiga

A humanitarian crisis develops in the Tigray region of Ethiopia; Uganda's confronts claims of a rigged election; Somalia faces the prospect of the eruption of political violence. We're joined by Murithi Mutiga, Project Director for the Horn of Africa at the International Crisis Group. Looking ahead in 2021, what critical crises, movements, and trends might […]

The Storm Before the Calm with George Friedman

Is this period of history the "storm before the calm?" Join master geopolitical forecaster and New York Times bestselling author of The Next 100 Years, George Friedman, as he explains his prediction that the 2020s will bring dramatic upheaval and reshaping of American government, foreign policy, economics, and culture. George Friedman is founder and chairman […]

Briefing: China and the U.S. Across Strategic Domains

President Biden has made it clear that when it comes to the U.S.-China relationship, the competition is on. "The autocrats will not win the future," he has vowed, "America will." Where is this competition most fierce - and most consequential? We'll look to five strategic domains: technology, economy, defense, space, and global leadership. In each, we'll […]

Cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline: DarkSide, Ransomware, and U.S. Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

Last week Colonial Pipeline, which is responsible for about 45% of the East Coast fuel supply, was hit with a crippling ransomware attack. The suspected culprit? DarkSide, a group of hackers thought to have roots in Eastern Europe. An attack of this scale on U.S. critical infrastructure is unprecedented. Unprecedented, but not unexpected. Cybersecurity experts […]