The Iran Deal and our Global Future
The World Affairs Council of CT, in partnership with JFACT and the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, presents a luncheon and panel discussion featuring:
The Honorable Thomas Pickering, Vice Chairman of Hills & Company and career ambassador who has served as US ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, Jordan, and the United Nations
Paul Bucha, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who has lived and worked as a businessman in Iran
John Fund, National Affairs Columnist for National Review magazine and a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal and Fox News. He is an often-quoted expert on American politics and the interconnections between politics, economics and legal issues.
Moderated by Lucy Nalpathanchil, Host of WNPR’s Where We Live
As we approach one year since the signing of the Iran Nuclear Deal, where do we stand today? What impact has this highly controversial and politicized agreement achieved to date, and what implications does the Iran Nuclear Deal hold for the political landscape of the Middle East and the future of US relations in region?
Join us for a luncheon and discussion offering expert analysis of the Iran Nuclear Deal from concerns of implementation to broader global implications, and ultimately explore the central question: ten years from now, will this agreement have contributed to the formation of a more stable world, or one more polarized and dangerous than before?
This panel event is a program of the World Affairs Councils of America in partnership with The Iran Project.